News, science, practice …

We would like to share with you what we have been doing these past few months, and announce what we have prepared for you for the autumn.

We have been honored to present our work and progress at a few international events, including WCP, UNESCO, Paris. We presented on the mysteries of art, cultural heritage, psychotherapy and culture. We were honored to receive such good feedback from our fellow colleagues! (Hi colleagues!)

We have exchanged experiences on quality practice, we learned a lot, and had the pleasure of seeing how different the French world of psychoanalysis is! Thank you, Boris Cyrilnik for such enlightening talks!

We hope to continue the worldwide communication with our new friends and colleagues from Brazil, Asia, France, Africa, and Holland.

In Belgrade, Serbia, you can have the pleasure  of attending one of our 4  workshops during the fall. We are offering: Personal development workshop, How to lead a workshop?, Dreamgroup, and a Poetry, art and emotion group. They are all directed towards personal development and improvement of mental health. You are kindly reminded that we work in three languages and that you can schedule our bespoke programs here.

Until the next opportunity






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